The question I am asked consistently is why the drinks people make at home just don't taste the same as the drinks at Botanist. Obviously it's the expertise and creativity of the mixologist combined with years of experience with the creative side of cocktail chemistry. But that's not the actual reason..

The Truth about Brightness
There is no substitute for fresh juices. Fresh lime, fresh lemon, fresh syrup, fresh berries, fresh garnishes.
You have the finest aged rum in a perfectly chilled glass expertly mixed down to exactly 28 degrees double strained with jigger measured accuracy for optimal dilution. Great care was taken to every factor in the mixture. You proudly present your daquiri for your adoring guests. Off in the background you see a bottle of lime cordial such as Rose's that you utilized for your expert creation. The guests take a sip.
"Thanks for the Daq.. It tastes pretty good"
Your heart sinks.. What went wrong. It was perfect!!
Take 2:
You have the finest aged rum in a perfectly chilled glass expertly mixed down to exactly 28 degrees double strained with jigger measured accuracy for optimal dilution. You juiced exactly 3/4oz of strained fresh lime and added 1:1 by weight simple demerara syrup made only that day to just less than 3/4 oz. You proudly present your daquiri for your adoring guests. You garnish with a freshly cut lime wheel, first using the outside oils to add nose to the rim. The guests take a sip.
"That is the best Daquiri I have ever tasted! How do you do that?"
It's simple.. Fresh juice can not be replaced. There is no substitute, there is no work-around, there is no exception. It makes all the difference. Have those limes and lemons on hand. Use them.. you will thank yourself. So will your guests.